Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy birth day to a man I've admired since I was a baby my FATHER!

Happy birth day to a man  that is one of my best friends and that I have admired since I was a baby, my FATHER!!! Happy day of birth Pops!!! Thank you for always being there for me!!! Sorry Pops your son is a broke ass musician right now all I have to give you is my Love & I'm sending you a huge hug & a kiss.
Thank you Pops for reminding me that my hard work in music is starting to do very well.
See you at your party!!! =) ♥
I was going to give my father a full concert with my band and all for his baday but I'm too weak whaaa...haha... Soooo maybe I'll keep it simple and play & sing for him one or two songs I wrote, that he likes from my next record.  One song me & my bro Javier wrote. I'm gonna rehearse a little before his cool party, Y'all have a great day!!!=)

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