Monday, November 14, 2016

The Supermoon on November 14, 2016, will be the closest a Full Moon has been to Earth since January 26, 1948.

The Supermoon on November 14, 2016, will be the closest a Full Moon has been to Earth since January 26, 1948, about 22,000 miles closer. 
The next time a Full Moon is even closer to Earth will be on November 25, 2034 (dates based on UTC time). Photo by my friend Pasha Sochnev  from his iPhone 7 Plus.πŸŒ•

Sunday, November 13, 2016

One of my music heroes Leon Russell, Hit Maker and Musicians’ Musician, Passes away at 74.

One of my music heroes Leon Russell, Hit Maker and Musicians’ Musician,  Passes away at 74.

I was just listening to his music last week trying to get a sound I'm looking for.
I met Mr. Russell after one of his gigs that my best friend MU took me to for my birthday.
One of the greatest gifts I ever had.
Some of my favorite songs he wrote.
He's one of my music heroes and has inspires my music.
Incredible songwriter and musician.
Thank you for your genius music that I will keep listening to.
RIP Mr. Russell <3 #legend

 Mr. Russell still inspires me bc I want to keep playing shows till I'm in my 70s like Leon Russell at 71-year-old, who plays about 180 shows a year 80min long, also had a new keyboard setup. 
Instead of his jerry-rigged multi-keyboard console of old, he had a fancy white baby grand piano (with wavey blue lines on it). 
It was actually a digital piano with two giant speakers (and a laptop with lyrics) above the keyboard facing the piano man. 
On the side of the piano was the logo for Starkey Hearing, an Eden Prairie company with which Russell is familiar. <3 #leaonrussell


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thank you for your genius songs Leonard Cohen. Rest In Paradise.

No wonder I've been sad the last few days.
A while back I went several times to a cool house & my friend's friend's Dad use to hand me his guitars so I can play my songs on it.
I said, thank you for being very cool Mr. Cohen. Turned out to be 'Leonard Cohen'.

He was the only one that lent me his guitars when I wanted to give up music, I appreciated that.
I think he would've done the for any musician.

Thank you for your a genius songs Mr Cohen.
Rest In Paradise. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016


My Stanford professor said me "Richie, EVERYONE thinks they're BORN an EXPERT on RELIGION and POLITICS." 
So don't let anyone, any groups, any religion, or any foreign country (that should stay out of this, not their country) pressure you into voting for who they want. Vote for whom you want. 
It is your right! #usa #vote

Saturday, November 5, 2016

I wrote-in my pyppy 'Max' for prez. I'm not voting for Hillary or Trump or any other candidate bc they all suck.

I'm not going to be forced/brainwashed to vote for Hillary or Trump! 
For the record & for the first time in my life I'm not voting for any Presidential candidate, I have my reasons.
So I wrote-in my puppy 'Max' 🐢 on the ballot for President & voted for him, YAY Max! 
And 1,928 of my fans did the same & counting. Oops who knew, oh well. =P 
Fans are the best! ;) 😘 
And yes I did vote for everything else on the ballot, the props, senators, etc... ;)